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Virtually Unlimited: Three Companies Push VR Into New Areas

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我们每天都能听到虚拟现实令人惊叹的沉浸式未来. VR is certain to be huge in personal entertainment, we’re told. Even skeptics admit it will find a home in gaming.

But what about other uses? VR isn’t limited to entertainment and gaming, is it? 一点也不. 本文重点介绍了三家将VR视频推向令人兴奋的新领域的公司.


全国性品牌开始尝试360度和虚拟现实广告. 对于一家已经严重依赖视频的度假公司来说,这是完全合理的. 大多数人一年只休一次假,所以他们想确保这是一个他们会记住的假期. 当前围绕虚拟现实的热议及其提供身临其境感觉的承诺,听起来像是与消费者建立联系的绝佳机会, explains Stephanie Leavitt-Esposito, director of social media and branded content at 狂欢节.

“You can’t really sell a cruise in 140 characters, 所以当使用360度或VR视频并在社交平台上发布的机会出现时, we knew it was something we had to try,” Leavitt-Esposito says.

与广告公司Arnold Worldwide和Helios Productions合作, 嘉年华有一个小制作团队在嘉年华微风号游轮上拍摄360°视频. 演出规模很小,所以不会给客人带来不便. 该项目的目标是向那些以前没有乘坐过游轮的人展示他们可以在嘉年华上期待什么.

“因为这个视频是针对第一次巡航的人——以前从未巡航过的人——我们希望能够展示不仅仅是一点点的船上体验, 还有巡航的好处,你可以去多个目的地,在一个目的地做多种活动,” Leavitt-Esposito says. “We wanted to show some of the key areas on board: the atrium, the first thing everyone sees when they get onboard the ship; their stateroom, because everyone wants to know what their room looks like; the pool area; our awesome WaterWorks waterslide; a nice area where you can sit and have a drink at the end of the day; and then one of our destinations where you could go snorkeling and sit on the beach.”

The 狂欢节 Breeze offers an optional helicopter excursion, so 狂欢节 had the production team go airborne as well. That gave the company an excuse to include flashy aerial shots.

After the shoot, 狂欢节’s team created a 2.5分钟的互动宣传视频,人们可以在空间中移动, as well as a 3-minute traditional video. 互动视频包括一张突出显示不同探索区域的船舶地图, and fun facts presented with on-screen text.

嘉年华通过Google Lightbox和Facebook发布了VR广告. 观众只需移动他们的手机来探索虚拟空间. While the company doesn’t have final numbers on the campaign, Leavitt-Esposito says they look good so far. 由于这是一个新领域,嘉年华对广告的表现没有具体的期望. The goal is simply to raise awareness of its vacations. 根据她目前所看到的,莱维特-埃斯波西托确信嘉年华会制作更多的VR视频.

“在最初的几天里,我们看到很多人说,‘这太酷了!“给他们的朋友贴上标签,告诉他们的朋友,‘嘿,看看这个! This is what we should do on our vacation.’ We were really happy,” she says.

DeepStream VR

VR isn’t just for play. It has real medical value as a way to reduce chronic pain. It’s surprising, but clinical trials have proved this. Putting that idea to work is the focus of a startup called DeepStream VR.

Ari荷兰人, DeepStream’s co-founder and CTO, 上世纪90年代末,当他还是华盛顿大学的一名研究生时,他就了解了虚拟现实在减轻慢性疼痛方面的作用. 他后来在该大学的人机界面技术实验室(HIT Lab)工作。. 这所大学的两位心理学教授——dave Patterson和Tom furnis——受到神经科学家Vilayanur Ramachandran帮助截肢者克服幻肢痛的工作的启发:Ramachandran让一个病人靠镜子站着,脸贴着镜子的边缘, 然后把他的胳膊举起来,这样照在镜子里就像他有两只胳膊一样. 看到这一幕,病人的大脑误以为失去的手臂还在, relieving his pain.

帕特森和弗尼斯决定看看虚拟现实是否能产生同样的效果. 霍兰德帮助开发了让观众参与虚拟世界的应用程序, which were then tested with patients recovering from severe burns. 结果令人鼓舞,霍兰德很快就开始开发一款更具沉浸感的VR应用. 《百家乐软件》让用户漂浮在结冰的河流上,向动画雪人扔雪球. 有十几项研究都是用《百家乐软件》进行的,以测试其缓解疼痛的有效性.

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